The association & The board
Gothenburg's Fältrittklubb was founded in 1894 and is one of Sweden's largest riding schools. A modern and active riding club as with one
sustainability perspective focuses on development, education and community. We are a member-managed non-profit association that is run without profit. At the annual meeting, the members elect a board that is responsible during the mandate period. Our statutes are a stable legal basis that determines how the association should function. The operations manager is responsible for the association's daily operations and has a team of staff to help him. A non-profit association means that each member has a commitment and interest in the association and its activities. Without committed members, the workload and costs would skyrocket. An easy way to contribute is to participate in our working days when we take care of our facility, clean, paint and make others easier
to do. Another is to stand up as an official during our events and competitions. The work takes place in sections, committees, working groups, adjuncts to the board and through individual efforts. The sections are elected at the annual meeting for the coming mandate period according to the statutes. Currently there is the Youth Section (with its own youth board, US) and the Competition Committee.
On February 28, 2022, the annual meeting elected a new board. Now the work continues to improve Gothenburg's Fältrittklubb.
There are many issues to be addressed and much that could be even better. Do you have thoughts and ideas? Send an email to
Vice Ordförande