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The selection committee

That Göteborgs Fältrittklubb has a good board with the association's best interests in mind is something that benefits us all. Therefore, it is important that we, as members, make suggestions to the election committee about candidates we consider suitable, or simply stand up ourselves! Do you want to work on GFRK's board or do you know someone suitable - get in touch with us!

The selection committee 2022 consists of: 

  • Emmelie Tedfelt (Convener)

  • Annette Stenberg         

  • Christina Börjesson

  • Gunilla Walter

  • Jennie Nilsson

  • Matilda Karlsson


About the election committee and their working methods

The election committee is a trust-elected group of members whose task is to collect candidates for the association's board. The Göteborgs Fältrittklubb's election committee consists of five members and a convener. These members are elected at the annual meeting for the period and sit until the following annual meeting.

Members of the association may, no later than ten days before the meeting at which the election takes place, submit proposals for candidates and their positions to the election committee.

The person who has been appointed convener of the election committee announces at the annual meeting the name proposals received for the various elections, as well as the election committee's proposal.

All proposed candidates must have accepted the nomination by election day. Proposals for candidates for the nomination committee must also be provided during the annual meeting, but the incumbent nomination committee will not issue an opinion in this case.



Göteborgs Fältrittklubb

Töpelsgatan 16

416 55 Gothenburg



Phone: 076 02 94 122

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