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Feed host on a riding school horse


What does a feed host mean?

To become a fodder host, you must be a student with us and continue to ride in lessons while you are a fodder host. You must be able to ride be able to ride different types of horses in all gaits balanced and have a good basic seat and balance, a guideline is that you should ride in at least a yellow group. You must understand the importance of all-round training and want to ride both dressage, jumping and out in the woods and fields. Of course you have to be careful and responsible! All horses looking for a feed host are advertised on both Facebook and Instagram, if there is no new horse advertised then there is no horse looking for a feed host. 

You submit your application where you tell, among other things, why you want to be a feed host. For students under the age of 18, the application goes through a guardian.

It is of great importance that we succeed in matching a horse with the right student and the riding school has the right to choose who will be the fodder for which horse. We don't have a queue system, but handpicks for the crew that gets the best conditions. For each new horse that is advertised that you are interested in being a fodder for, you send in a new notification of interest for that particular horse. A responsible riding instructor is connected to the horse and the riding instructor will be of help and support during the forage stewardship. The riding instructor will also assist with training the horse and ride it if necessary.

What we expect from you as a fodder host is that you take care of the horse 3 days a week, the days are divided among themselves. You groom, take care of the horse and equipment and ride the horse. Together with the responsible riding instructor, a training plan is drawn up for you and the horse. The horse must be given varied training based on an educational standpoint.

What do you get from the riding school?

· Stall space including fodder and litter

· Input and output

· Linings

· Access to stables and riding track

· Farrier

· Horse insurance

· Equipment that is adapted to the horse

· Veterinary care if necessary

· Equitherapist if necessary

· Coaching by trained riding instructor

Price: SEK 3,000 per month/person

Contracts are signed for at least one month, any extension takes place one month at a time.


Expressions of interest are emailed Tell us about yourself and your level as well as which horse you are looking for fodder management for, other questions will be taken from there. 



Göteborgs Fältrittklubb

Töpelsgatan 16

416 55 Gothenburg



Phone: 076 02 94 122

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